Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Scot-free Scot-free Scot-free By Maeve Maddox â€Å"To escape scot-free† means to elude merited consequences: [Construction] Site Deaths Soaring as Bosses Escape Scot Free No escape: independent directors won’t go scot free Now all the doctors at Mid Staffs escape scot-free over deaths. In the Middle Ages a scot was a tax or tribute paid by a feudal tenant to his lord. The word derives from a Scandanavian word meaning tribute. It came to stand for different kinds of payments levied for services. In Kent and Sussex, the scot was a tax for the maintenance of drainage systems and flood prevention. In some contexts the scot was simply the bill owed for drinks or entertainment. Explanations of the expression scot-free may be found on numerous web sites. Most of the sites I’ve browsed correctly trace the term to the word for a tax, but a few cling to a mistaken idea that the expression has something to do with the 1857 US Supreme Court ruling known as the â€Å"Dred Scott Decision.† For example, this confident explanation: Its spelt scott-free and refers to a famous US Supreme Court decision involving the black slave Dred Scott. Ironically Scott lost his suit, though you wouldnt know it from the well-known phrase. The misspelling scott occurs both as an error and as a play on the name of someone named Scott. For example: Lincoln’s Assassin Got Away Scott Free (misspelled headline at YouTube) American Idol recap: Getting off Scott-free (The reference is to a contestant named Scott MacIntyre.) The lingering association of scot-free with Dred Scott is probably owing to vague recollections of high school history: a man named Scott wanted to be free. To refresh your memory, here’s a recap of what the Dred Scott Decision was about: In 1846, Dred Scott, then 47 years old, sued the Missouri state government on behalf of his wife, two daughters, and himself; the suit contended that they were being illegally held in slavery. Scott was born into slavery in Alabama. When he was about 30, he was sold to an Army doctor in Missouri. During the following years, Scott married, fathered two daughters, and lived at different times in the free states of Illinois and Wisconsin. Scott’s lawsuit contended that residence in a free state conferred freedom. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court where, in 1857, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney wrote the majority opinion: the Scotts were property and property rights were protected by the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution. Although Dred Scott lost his case, he did not die in slavery. His owner’s widow married an abolitionist who returned the family to Scott’s original owner. The former slave owner had since moved to Missouri and become an abolitionist; he freed Scott, his wife, and their two daughters. Dred Scott died of tuberculosis after enjoying only seventeen months of freedom. His wife Harriet survived him by eighteen years. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†Probable vs. PossibleContinue and "Continue on"

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Tetracolon Climax (Rhetoric and Sentence Styles)

Tetracolon Climax (Rhetoric and Sentence Styles) Tetracolon climax (or simply tetracolon) is a  rhetorical term for a series of four members (words, phrases, or clauses), usually in parallel form. Adjective: Tetrcolonic. Also called a  tetracolon crescendo. Pronunciation: TET-ra-KOL-un cli-max Etymology: From the Greek, four limbs According to Ian Robinson, Numbers of rhetoricians follow Quintilian in recommending four as the norm, the tetracolon, though Cicero preferred three, and Demetrius says four is the maximum (The Establishment of Modern English Prose, 1998). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: ClimaxIsocolonParallelismParisonSeriesTricolon Examples and Observations It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. (Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, 1863)I write humor the way a surgeon operates, because it is a livelihood, because I have a great urge to do it, because many interesting challenges are set up, and because I have the hope that it may do some good.(James Thurber, letter to E.B. White, April 24, 1951)He and we were a party of men walking together, seeing, hearing, feeling, understanding the same world; and in two minutes, with a sudden snap, one of us would be gone- one mind less, one world less.(George Orwell, A Hanging, 1931)I had seen s o many begin to pack their lives in cotton wool, smother their impulses, hood their passions, and gradually retire from their manhood into a kind of spiritual and physical semi-invalidism. In this they are encouraged by wives and relatives, and its such a sweet trap.(John Steinbeck, Travels With Charley: In Search of America, 1961) Out of its wild disorder comes order; from its rank smell rises the good aroma of courage and daring; out of its preliminary shabbiness comes the final splendor. And buried in the familiar boasts of its advance agents lies the modesty of most of its people.(E.B. White, The Ring of Time)The same government that you go abroad to fight for and die for is the government that is in a conspiracy to deprive you of your voting rights, deprive you of your economic opportunities, deprive you of decent housing, deprive you of decent education.(Malcolm X, The Ballot or the Bullet, April 12, 1964)Reading is the best medicine for a sicke man, the best musicke for a sadde man, the best counsel for a desperate man, the best comfort for one afflicted.(John Florio, First Fruites, 1578)The city, for the first time in its long history, is destructible. A single flight of planes no bigger than a wedge of geese can quickly end this island fantasy, burn the towers, crumble the bridges, turn the underground passages into lethal chambers, cremate the millions.(E.B. White, Here Is New York, 1948 Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat.(Ryszard Kapuscinski, A Warsaw Diary. Granta, 1985)I got up promptly to tend some new chicks and was busy with them for a half hour before breakfast, thinking of palms and Christ and bombs and dry litter.(E.B. White, Songbirds) Tricolons vs Tetracolons"In the anti-math of writing, the number three [a tricolon] is greater than four [a tetracolon]. The mojo of three offers a greater sense of completeness than four or more."(Roy Peter Clark, Writing Tools. Little, Brown, 2006)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critically evaluate the argument that diversity management is good for Essay

Critically evaluate the argument that diversity management is good for organizations, but damaging for employees - Essay Example In forming this culture it is vital for the management to involve diversity initiatives in the business activities of the company. The top management should also promote diversity in the workplace as goal of the company. Diversity is about portraying a culture that recognizes personal needs and contributions. However diversity by nature is perceived to bring complexity in the workplace. This negatively affects the employees due the various cultures. According to Klarsfeld (2010, 126) Employees are bound to feel at ease when working with people from the same cultural background. Diversity management in the organization is good as it promotes maximum production compared to those organizations which do not employ diversity. Diversity as a practice starts and ends with the individual. Today diversity involves the all business practices driven towards creating trust and improving workplace. In order to maintain properly managed diversity in the organization it involves knowing workers ind ividually not as part of a particular culture. Organizations with multicultural diversity tend to portray high levels of engagement and the organization is able to outperform others. The outer-performance is in terms of stock price, turnover rate, stock price, revenue growth, net income and financial growth. According to Mor Barak (2010, 250), one of the important assumptions of diversity management is the strength of relationship between business assets. These include the business systems, practices, goals and the people involved. The compatibility of this interdependent relations as well as its well functioning affects the business operation. The effects are experienced in organizations image, profitability and stability which occur both in short-term or long-term. As suggested by Thomas (2006, 244), in diversity management, the organization needs to have an equal focus on all areas of management. Diversity in management has various benefits to the organization. They include: Easy entry to a changing market situation: Diversification in an organization implies incorporation of different practices. This means that the organization is less likely to have difficulties in adapting to changes. Working under diverse conditions enables the management to be able to handle various situations without fear. Diversity also means exploring various areas of the market therefore the management is aware of the market making its entrance easier. In diversity, employees are handled equally and this gives them the motivation to contribute the organizations development. High quality customer service: Diversification in an organization promotes enhanced customer services. The presence of individuals from different cultural background ensures that the organization can serve different customers and satisfy their needs. In diversity management since workers are used to working and relating with diverse cultural backgrounds, it becomes possible for them to handle different customers . Large-scale business transformation: transformation ensures business operation is more agile, rapid and lean. Diversity management ensures business operations are well transformed. It also ensure accountability in business transformation in large-scale. The diversity in the organization promotes modernization of business operations in business trans

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

History of money Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

History of money - Essay Example The function of money is identifying the value of a standard measurement of goods and services. Money is used as a denominator where one can express the measure of the value of a commodity. Money is also identified as existing through human convections. For this reason, human beings have the power to change the value of money or change it. It is in the nature of money that it is identified as being subject to fluctuations due to value with all other commodities that it may be compared to. Money is, however, more stable when compared to goods. This is because good’s value is related specifically to the individuals that demand the goods. Use of money is a measure of value for establishing the proportional value that could make it possible to equalize all commodities with this standard where it is accepted and makes the community and enables exchange.The nature of money is that all commodities, things, and objects are measurable by money. Exchange of goods and services for money occur when the parties reach a common ground for agreement on exchange basing the agreement on the idea of proportionality. The nature of money allows humans to reach an agreement that serves the needs of their intercourse and interaction although it might not be possible to for different goods to be equal.The nature and condition of transactions are dependent on the good and service that the buying party wants. Since nature requires equality, where unequal individuals receive shares unequally, the significance of money in the act of exchange is demonstrated

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Economic Causes of Poverty Essay Example for Free

Economic Causes of Poverty Essay Poverty is the deprivation of necessities that that determine the quality of life. These necessities comprises of the basic human needs and better education which directly influences the type of employment and income earned and enable one to fight poverty. In October 2008 World Bank revised the poverty line to 1. 25 US dollar per day from 1 US dollar per day. After revision of the poverty line measure, an estimated 1. 4 billion people were found to live at this poverty line or below (Otlin, 2008). There is an upward poverty trend; for instance in 2004, 984 million people were living on or below the line of measure i. e. 1 US dollar whereas in 1981, 1. 9 million were living on or below the poverty line (Weaver Park, 2007). Among other causes of poverty, economic causes which include capital flight, unemployment, low income, unfair property laws and unfair trade has really made poverty alleviation in developing countries a complicated issue despite the efforts of these countries to fight against poverty. Rapid flow of money outside a country or any other assets commonly known as capital flight is a major economic cause of poverty. In most cases the movement is due to instability and reduced returns. Investors move their money from one investment to another, either within the same country or to a different country to avoid high inflation and search for stability and increased returns. Capital flight is mostly witnessed in a country with currency instability and sometimes the outflows are intensive thus affecting the whole financial system of the country (Epstein, 2005). The loss of confidence and devaluation of the affected country burdens the citizens and their properties lose the nominal value. This resorts to reduced purchasing power of assets of a country making it very expensive to import goods. Due to devaluation of the economy’s currency, inflation comes in. Consequently, the currency unit can only purchase fewer goods thus accelerating poverty. Capital flight also hampers investment which may reduce economic growth of the developing economies. Unemployment is another economic cause of poverty. It usually occurs when one is ready and able to work but there is no work for him/her. The inadequacies of basic human needs and better education are normally as result of un-employment. A country where there is a higher rate of unemployment, the Growth Domestic Product (GDP) is low since most people are not working. According Epstein (2005), unemployment is a primary cause of temporal poverty. The moment people get job, they supplement their incomes and thus reduce poverty levels. Sounder further says that poverty increases with increase in unemployment duration. People without jobs can be having skill which can improve production, but since they have not been employed, their skills may not be utilized. This can result is low productivity in the country. In other cases, un-employment can be a social cost to the society. Issues like crimes, terrorism and drug abuse which may be as a result of poverty, marginalization and unemployment are costly to eliminate. Money which can be used to alleviate the living standards is used for fighting crimes instead. Unemployment brings income inequality which widens the gap between the rich and the poor. Winefield (2002), points out that unemployment leads to delay in experience gain which reduces productivity. Moreover, in countries which provide job search allowance, the government expenditure goes high because more people are entitled to these allowances. This can force the government to reduce money given to other crucial sectors for example agricultural sector which can be a source of livelihood to the country’s population. Taxes may also increase due to high government expenditure resulting to increase in prices of commodities. Low income means that people will have a limited purchasing power. Winefield (2002) points out that, low income earnings place people near or on at the poverty line. He further argues that, raising the incomes by increasing the wages without dismissing their job opportunities has historically minimized poverty rates. According to his research findings, increasing minimum wage will help reduce poverty levels, however minimal. Small household budgets experience the greatest impacts since they have a limited purchasing power. This has facilitated poverty in developing countries. Increases in food prices and an instant steep rise in agricultural commodities is another economic cause of poverty. The rise in food prices can be attributed to increased demand of staple commodities, higher energy prices especially fuel and electricity which affects transportation and production costs of agricultural products and farm inputs e. g. fertilizer and pesticides. Food prices may also rise due to lack of alternative market outlets for agricultural product and low yields of cereals (Anker, 2006). Competition between industrial commercial organizations is healthy and encouraged by market economies. However, unfair property laws by competitors and use of malicious ways to gain business mileage e. g. making false and direct attack to a competitor may scare away potential investors. At times it happens despite the fact that a code of conduct has been set to guard against this behavior. Unfair competition which comprises of all acts and practices during industrial and commercial transactions which are contrary to honest practices may hamper selling and buying of good and services. Unfair competition may include confusion caused in relation to another enterprise’s products or its activities, acts that are misleading for instance, false implications of a competitor’s product, and damaging the goodwill of the competitors. All this may lead to unfair competition which causes decline in sale of goods or services. Eventually, this will translate increased levels of poverty in the affected economies due reduced sales, exports and other losses that may arise from unfair trade. In conclusion, poverty alleviation is a complex issue to deal with. It requires that all relevant stakeholders get rid of their selfish interest so that they can deal with the root causes of poverty. All causes of poverty ranging from economic, governance, demographic and social factors, environmental factors, if looked into by good governance, transparency in public expenditure, strengthening of management capacity and improvement of the public service delivery will help in promoting a competitive private sector environment for development and trade regime liberalization. This can contribute greatly to poverty alleviation in the world and especially in developing countries in Africa, Latin America and East Asia. A fair trade between developed and developing countries is fundamental if the question of poverty in developing countries is ever to be addressed. For instance, disruption of trade in Africa has greatly affected the process of integration in business. As a result poverty levels have increased undermining and lowering the livelihoods of small scale farmers and producers as well as depriving the young people their rights. References: Anker, R. , (2006); Poverty Lines around the World: A New Methodology and Internationally Comparable Estimates. International Labor Review Journal, Vol. 145 Epstein, G. A. , (2005); Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries. ISBN 184376931X, 9781843769316, Edward Elgar Publishing. Otlin, J. , (2008); The Causes of Poverty: Thinking Critically about a Key Economic Issue. Journal of Social Education, Vol. 72 Weaver, C. Park, S. , (2007); The Role of the World Bank in Poverty Alleviation and Human Development in the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction. Global Governance Journal, Vol. 13 Winefield, A. H, (2002); Unemployment, Underemployment, Occupational Stress and Psychological Well-Being. Australian Journal of Management, Vol. 27

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Advertisers Strategies to Target Gay Audiences in Attitude and Gay Times :: essays research papers fc

I have decided to spilt the following essay into 4 sections, the first three concern different adverts and the final one is a discussion of gay advertising in general. The first advert I shall be looking at is "Couvette Duvet Cover" from Gay Times, Issue March 2000, page 67. This is a written text, as far as the author is aware this text does not appear in any other medium. The text was found whilst looking for adverts specifically aimed at gay men. I decided to analyse this text as it appears to be unusual in that no people appear in the advert, usually in gay advertising as with other genres at least one person or maybe more are used. The advert that the author is undertaking analysis of is one among many copies that are distributed in magazines (specifically gay) and may well appear in poster form as well. This influences my interpretation as the advertisers aim to reach a wide audience, not only those who are reading the magazine. The advert is indexical in representation. The important signifiers in the text are the colours of the Duvet, they are the colours of ‘gay pride’, this is not usually known by people outside of the genre. Therefore the advertiser has placed in the corner the text "100% Gay", so that there can be no doubt as to whom the text is aimed at. The Duvet is also for a double bed, this is important as it implies a couple. As does the fact there are ‘littered’ around the small section of room we see a selection of items in pairs. Examples are, the two pairs of trousers, the two organisers, two tables and two ‘bent’ lamps on the table on the right hand side of the picture. An important point to consider is also the lack of a carpet, the implication here is the floor being easier to keep clean than a carpet, although there is a corner of a reed mat showing. The picture gives a impression of a room that is serene, peaceful, secure and relaxed, the person who inhabits the room is relaxed about being Gay (shown by the Duvet cover). The advertiser is trying to sell this image to the consumer. Although the signs are primarily directed at people who are gay and ‘on the scene’ it is possible that the signs will also make sense to other readers who are not connected to it (although perhaps not the significance of the colours).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Developments and Training

In the world we are living in organizations are faced with risks and threats due to introduction of technology and thus for organizations to succeed in their operations they need to train their employees so that they can overcome these risks and threats. Training involves using an experienced person to inform, teach and to convey information to the audience so that they can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge that would enable them to perform their effectively in their organizations. If people in the organizations are trained they become satisfied with the work that they are doing and this improves their morale.With the effective training employees can not leave their organizations because training it enables them to have the relevant skills and knowledge needed to perform their activities effectively. The image of the company can improved when the training is conducted because the employees in the organization become motivated and they enable them to talk about the positive s ide of the company. When an organization conducts training it enables it to develop strategies that can help the organization to achieve its objectives since training enables one to acquire new ideas of running and managing the operations of a company.It also helps a company to manage its finance effectively since training ensures that the management determine the issues that are cost effective thus it reduces the expenses of the company. In case of a public company which is a business organization, it is owned by the shareholders who contribute money known as capital. This capital is used to finance the operations of the business and incase the organizations may lack some funds to run their businesses they can borrow funds from the commercial banks and International bodies such as International Monetary Funds and the World Bank.The company is usually run by people known as the directors they ensure that the operations of the company are run effectively, incase the companies receive profits at the end of their financial periods they can distribute the profits in form of dividends to the shareholders and in other cases their can retain some of their money in reserves so that they can be able to do other business affairs such as expanding the company to meet the needs of the customers of the company. http://www.businessballs. com/training program evaluation.htmlIn companies there are many people who are employed, some of whom may be recruited directly from college and thus may lack the necessary experience to run the affairs of the company, others may have the experience to run the company but may lack relevant experience to run the affairs of the company thus there is a need to train all its employees so that they can gain the relevant experience that is required to run the company’s affairs effectively.The company can develop in house training program this program is usually designed to suit the needs of the company’s its allows the employees to train and develop their skills without moving from their working environment thus it saves on time and money since the employees don’t need to travel from one place to the place in order for them to acquire the knowledge and skills of running the company successfully.This training program is designed to train employees of a manufacturing company that produces horticultural products . The Company has more than one hundred employees who are trained on how to handle the product carefully because they are manufactured for export purposes and thus safety precautions must be taken because the products are manufactured using poisonous chemicals since act as preservatives and enable the product to last for a longer period of time without getting spoilt.The Coastal Recursor Humanos is a communications computer company that sells the leading safety training videos ,cd-roms,interactive safety training programs ,safety handbooks,trairning toolkits and safety posters thus the horticultura l company can access this facilities so that it can effectively train its customers on how to handle this products.The company can identify its training needs by obtaining information from the employees of the company about problems that they experience in the company such as poor working environment that can affect the performance of the employees for example if there is inadequate working area for the employees to work on or if the employees may be under paid or over worked this can affect their performance thus the in-house training program can enable the management to address the problems of the employees of the company and they can thus take the necessary measures to rectify the problems of the company . A training need of the can be identified through looking at the position of the economy, if the economy of the country is performing well then the management need to train their employees frequently so that they can be able to cater for the demands of the customers .When the ec onomy is performing properly the circulation of money is usually high and this leads to high demand for goods and services thus the need for the management train to it employees on how to handle the employees , but if the economy of the company is not performing properly the training program activities of the company can be reduced due to lack of the necessary resources to develop the program since for the program to run effectively it needs money to purchase the training videos ,training tool kits and the training safety posters from the Coastal Recursors Humanos communications company and money to hire the trainers is required to cater for their wages and salaries http://www. businessballls. com/freeonlineresources. htm .The management of the company can develop its program by establishing the training mediums that can ensure that it achieves its objectives this include internal mediums the company can access the information about improving the operations of the business by consul ting the employees themselves, they can give the management the reasons why they are not performing and thus identify the problems in the organization thus a good program can be developed and structured to meet the needs of the employees in their workplaces . The management can acquire information from other parties who are not employees of the company to gather information about the policies that need to be implemented so that the company can run it activities effectively thus this can sharpen the companies effectiveness and can help improve its performance.The training materials that can be used by the management of the company are templates, samples, resources such as articles, tools and diagrams they can provide information to help the company employees understand its operations they contain detailed information about the structure roles and responsibilities of the employees this act as a guide of how the company has been designed and thus it makes it ease for them understand th e activities of the company. http://wwbusinessballs. com/workshops. htm The training materials can be created by the experts of the programs they can do this by determining the needs of the company that need to be addressed . They need to outline the skills that they intend to teach .The skills need to be divided into groups and then into steps so that the necessary time can be allocated to the tasks that need to be urgently addressed. Once the steps have been prepared and all the necessary information that needs to be tackled by the experts of the programs they should design the presentation perfectly so that all the relevant information that needs to be conveyed to the employees is done effectively. http://wwbusinessballs. com/workshops. htm The management of the company can deliver its training through workshops that entail team building, communications, motivation, and planning these can empower the employees of the company to work more effectively since it enables them to acqui re the necessary information that is needed to run the affairs of the company effectively.Training can be delivered through conducting in-house training, by creating a tailored course and by recognizing informal training this helps the company to reduce its expenses, helps the management to deliver its information to the employees effectively and reduces wastage of time and money since the information that needs to be conveyed is always within the reach of the employees of the company. The effectiveness of a in house training program can be evaluated by the top management who ensure that training program is carried out effectively. They also ensure that training plans are properly documented so that they can give the management the direction of conducting their business.There are evaluation materials that a company can use so that it can determine how it performs its activities these are end –of- program validation method, feedback process and follow-up instruments they deter mine what the employees have learnt in their in house training programs ,they give the employees time to reflect on the all that they have learnt and also enables them to apply all that they have learnt during the training section . The evaluation questionnaires can be used to evaluate whether the objectives of the company have been applied. The employees of the company need to prepare action plans so that they evaluate whether they have understood all that they have been taught in the in- house training program, incase they have not applied the necessary techniques of carrying out their activities then they can take the necessary measures to implement them.The in-house training program for the company can be sustained through establishing long-term goals and then implementing the goals of the company so that there can be consistency in carrying out the activities of the company. The management should be involved in the development of the program since they can ensure that all the n ecessary information that needs to addressed is followed and finally implemented The goals of the company can be sustained if the companies results show some improvement, if the results of the company don’t improve then the management can either rectify the program or they can develop another programs that can suit the needs of the company.An in-house training program can be enforced by the managements company through ensuring that all employees who don’t comply with the rules and regulations of the company are dealt with accordingly such as they may be punished so that they can comply with the rules and the regulations of the company. The in house training programs can bring high performance to the company because if the management of the company addresses the problems that have been identified by the management and the employees of the organization then the company can operate successfully. If in the in- house training program the trainer is able to identify the uniq ue potentials of the employees and then be able to illustrate how the employees would be assigned with tasks they are familiar so that they can perform effectively then this can be a good sign that the in-house program is effective.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How to Get Prepared and Start My Own Business Essay

All of us have a lot of ideas about the things that we think about; most of the time we do not even recognize how millions of ideas got through our brains. Even now, when I typed this sentence, it took a while for me to come up with an idea and put it into words, so that all the readers get exactly what I want them to understand after reading my writing. We use our ideas everywhere, since it is something that lets us process and understand the information that we already own and get the best result that is possible. People use ideas as their tool to make a right decision, and as we all know, we have a lot of decisions to make in our life. For me, the right idea is a treasure surrounded by many other ideas that are not the ones that will lead me to a right choice, which I have to make in certain amount of time. Examples of leading companies that came up with good ideas in business are: Facebook, Microsoft, Google, and AT&T. These worldwide well-known organizations started their business like any other person – from idea, but somehow they have achieved a better result, which means they had a better idea, better team, or better preparation and hard work with luck. Now, after having 17 years of experience in finding a right idea, I am on my way to find my own treasure, so that I will be able to realize my ideas in business world. That idea is one in a million. For now, I came up with a lot of ideas that will possibly bring me a wanted amount of profit after realizing them. Since I am on the right track, I should get prepared to start realizing my ideas and start my own business. There are a lot of people in the world who want to start and run their own business. Some of these people who start their business will get a satisfying sense of accomplishment after providing a service or a product that is enjoyed or used by customers. Most of them will be disappointed in their business, since the percentage of those who fail is higher than those who succeed. Feeling of a business executive after coming to work differs from the feeling that people meet when they work for someone else. Person who runs the business and person who assists and works for that person experience different emotions and work to do, but both of these jobs have their own cons and pros. Person who assists to run the business cares only about the wage that he or she gets in the end of the month, while the businessman cares about the whole organization, including staff, all the property, wages of his workers, working environment, advertisement, and else. The more power and opportunity you have, the more responsibility and problems you get. That one person who runs the company should make a perfect environment to work, including people who work for him, because they are a big part of his business that manage to realize his ideas, and make them work properly. More than one million people create their own business every year. All of them have an idea that they believe in, because idea plays a huge role, but it is not the only thing. Business is more than just an idea, and some people forget it and start without even being prepared. It needs a lot of time to plan, and also it requires certain people. Furthermore, it needs financial funding. Before even starting to prepare to be a business executive, person should ask himself if he is ready for that. Do I have that personality and skills to be successful in business? Do I have what it takes? I am sure that I do, so do my parents. That is the reason why I am continuing to make researches about business and reading news about politics in my country. That is the reason why I came to America, to a country that is far from mine. Before starting to prepare the environment I will be working in, I should prepare myself. I should have enough knowledge and information to understand everything me and my team will do. To do so, I should read news and articles about business. All businessmen have to be in that world, which is a world of business. There is always something that we do not know. That something might make business work better. People do not even know when they miss their chance to build a better business. People just lose their chances to get better, and that opportunity sometimes comes only once in the whole life. Since there are plenty of those who try to run their business, it is a competition, where you, as a businessman, should prove that you are capable of more than other businessmen around you. There is only one winner, and it should be you. That is why it is better to spend enough time preparing and have more chance to succeed, than start with unsafe steps. Since I am the person who will continue the family business, not start from the very beginning, I have more opportunity and chance than I would have had if I was the one who started the business. That person who worked hard is my father. What he did, is called a huge step. He brought his family from nothing to something in a short period of time, which usually takes more. Some people achieve their goal, but my father is one of those who achieved a goal that he did not even expect. He already reached a goal that should be reached in two generation. That is why, as the only son in our family, I should succeed at least like him, even though he, as a father, thinks I can do better. I have people who will help me to understand business, and how it works, because it is not something that you can understand by reading some rules on the paper. It is something that you understand by experiencing, something that we should feel. Business is about the team. Successful business based on products, and services that are made or provided by people. I should create a company that inspires faith and productivity. In order to make revenue, I should understand people’s way of thinking; understand what their needs are, and how to provide them in the best way. How did such companies as Apple and Microsoft get so big and successful? These companies found a product that best responds to real human needs and desires. This problem is important to all the people who want to start their own business. It is related to business. This question is being discussed everywhere on internet, on the forums, by experts, and by people who have failed in starting a business, or by people who succeeded. They share their experience and give tips that can help to people like me, people who are getting prepared to start a business. This subject is interesting for me, because it determines my future. It helps me to understand what exactly I am going to do, in order to be prepared to start business, which is what I am going to do for living. There are many ways of getting prepared, choosing the right one, and choosing the right idea is one of the most important steps. Even though I am sure that I will succeed with the help of my family, I still have to make research and be one of those who try hard to be closer to business. Business is like a big house. In order to build a big and beautiful one, we should have an idea of how to make, and be prepared. If the foundation is strong, then are on the right way. There are basic steps to start my business. First of all I should research and plan my business. It will help me to understand what it takes to realize my plans. After researching and planning, I should get business assistance. That step will help me prepare a business plan and expanding my business. After that, I should choose a business location and finance my business. To do, depending on my business type, I should find a place that will work out the best for my business. If it is, for example, a hotel, it should in a place that is easy to reach for tourists, but is not noisy, so that customers can enjoy their time in the hotel. After doing these four steps, I should determine the legal structure of my business. It could be sole partnership, partnership, corporation, etc. If I am not ready to do my business alone, I can find a partner or partners that believe in my idea and ready to finance. Having more people is always better, which means that you will have more resources and more ideas. If a company has more than one holder, it always causes problems, because of disagreement and revenue that should be divided. Next step in order to start business is registration of a business name, and getting a local license. After these steps, everything is ready to work, including the workers that you should hire.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Making Affiliates The Most Valuable Weapon In Your Marketing Arsenal

Making Affiliates The Most Valuable Weapon In Your Marketing Arsenal We’ve talked about influencer marketing and referral marketing. Now, it’s time to talk about affiliate marketing. With all these types of marketing, where does one end and the other begin? They’re all related, but each is a little different. Today, we’re talking to Arlen Robinson, chief operating officer and co-founder of OmniStar Interactive. Arlen describes the differences between types of marketing, how to set up a structured program for affiliate marketing, and how to recruit and create incentives to bring affiliates on board. Affiliate Marketing: People who are outside affiliates, not customers, promote your business, products, and services Referral Marketing: Your customers who refer your business to people they know Influencer Marketing: Someone who has their own audience and following Every business should implement an affiliate or referral program because of stats Due to abundant shopping options being available, consumers get overwhelmed Create an affiliate program by defining reasonable goals and promotional strategies, as well as ways to measure success Find and recruit affiliates via online directories and social media; be competitive and get their attention by offering sizeable incentives cash is king Other incentives could include offering products, merchandise, and gift cards Affordable solutions are available to internally track and manage sales, payment process, and content influenced by individual affiliates Use a viral loop to create a constant flow into your affiliate and referral programs Links: Omnistar Interactive How To Avoid The Most Costly Mistake In Influencer Marketing With Shane Barker [AMP 115] PayPal Openinfluence Izea What topics and guests should be on AMP? Send your suggestions! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Arlen Robinson: â€Å"An affiliate program is when you get people to promote your business.† â€Å"Just like any decision that you make in a business, it’s always best to back your decisions on data.† â€Å"There’s a ton of options. For the consumer, things can be kind of overwhelming. That’s why the growth of affiliate and referral marketing has really exploded.† â€Å"You want to make it so these affiliates and these referral partners just have to hit the easy button.† These days, theres several marketplace type of sites out there that are a kind of a network between businesses and influencers.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What makes you shudder And what are your commitments

What makes you shudder And what are your commitments Grammar Geeks I belong to a LinkedIn group called Grammar Geeks, where one of the most popular discussions right now, with 269 comments, is â€Å"What Makes You Shudder?†Ã‚   Each of these 269 entries contains someone’s comment (or more often complaint) about a grammar gaffe. At first I was interested in some of the conversations†¦Ã‚   but quickly, the conversation itself was the thing making me shudder.   In fact, I began to shudder each time another member of the group posted a complaint.   Even the word â€Å"shudder† began to make me shudder! from toonpool.com My shuddering at the shuddering forced me to look at my own way of being around grammatical errors.   Do people shudder when I let them know I am shuddering? A Turning Point for The Essay Expert At Unleash the Power Within, the Tony Robbins seminar I attended recently, I discovered multiple errors in the handouts we were given.   Believing I could make a contribution, I brought some of these errors to the attention of one of the staff.   This man pointed out, quite correctly, that the errors certainly did not prevent people from signing up for programs – in particular the ones that cost $10,000. â€Å"Why do you care so much about this?† he asked.   â€Å"Why is your focus on finding things that are wrong?† And â€Å"What would like be like if you started finding things right?† I took his comment seriously, and perhaps it was the corresponding self-reflection that had me shuddering at the relentless list of grammar complaints populating the Grammar Geeks conversation. A Shudder-Free Life?   Finding my Commitment Have I stopped shuddering at the things that have traditionally made me shudder?   Well, no.   But I am putting more attention on my commitment to effective expression in the world. I am also considering that there are bigger problems in the world to shudder about if I want to shudder – like the way we treat our environment, and the failures of our mental health system, and the hunger that still exists in the world side by side with opulence. And I still care deeply about clarity in writing and other verbal expression.   My job is to help people and companies say what they want to say, powerfully and precisely.   When I write, or when I edit someone else’s writing, I care that the final result is moving, compelling, and result-producing. Often grammatical correctness is required to produce an intended result.   An error in a resume, cover letter, or college application can be the difference between acceptance or rejection, an interview or no interview.   It can change someone’s life – maybe someone who is destined to find a cure for cancer, or discover new treatments for mental illness, or advocate for environmental issues (I have worked with people doing all of these things). As for the shudderers, I believe there is something to be gained from acceptance.   Not everyone will write or speak perfectly all the time, and I can accept them for who they are rather than putting distance between us with a shudder.   I think I’ll listen for the meaning of their words instead.   Because even with a grammatical error or two, I can hear what people are saying loud and clear. 🙂 I often adjust my grammar to match the situation Im in. On the streets of Brooklyn, I ask for directions by saying, Wheres the post office at? and on a dentists intake form recently changed Whom should we thank? to Who should we thank? because it just sounds more normal to the general public. Log in to Reply Judy Cullins says: September 2, 2011 at 5:35 pm I say focus on meaning and did the information enlighten you? I get a few gripes on my editiing when the meaning is clear. why do these kinds subscribe to my 170 blog posts and books when the only thing they say to me is This is a grammatical error. They miss my humor and the picture. Certainly, if they read my body of work, they would think amazing, not grammar minutia. Log in to Reply Judy Cullins says: September 2, 2011 at 5:36 pm I meant to say the BIG picture. I love blogs with humor! Log in to Reply Penelope J. says: September 6, 2011 at 3:39 pm Im afraid that I find it hard to compromise. Writers should learn, among other things, to use correct grammar and punctuation. Its a sign of respect for their readers. If there are grammatical errors, as someone above pointed out, there may be other more important mistakes in the content. Some popular bloggers maintain that its their creativity and content that count, and not their grammar. Why focus on whats wrong? is the usual retort when you point out, for example, that the possessive its does not have an apostrophe. Little do they realize how many of their so-called readers are turned off by or not reading their posts anymore for this very reason. However, spoken English is another matter. People can speak it the way they like. Anyway, the language/lingo is changing so much that almost anything is acceptable. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: September 6, 2011 at 4:41 pm Thanks Penelope. I admit that while I hold high standards for myself and for other writers, I also know that there are fewer and fewer great writers out there. Hey, not everyone can have The Essay Expert edit their writing, as much as I would like to take that on! My intention is to be forgiving while not relaxing my standards. Quite a trick! Log in to Reply

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Formal versus Informal Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Formal versus Informal Finance - Essay Example 18). This discourse delves into the firm financing patterns and growth in China. In the end, the paper finds that very few firms as well as companies rely on formal banks to finance their business, leaving most of them to depend on informal sources to drive up capital for their businesses. Furthermore, the author of this paper discovers that although, few businesses rely on formal sources of finance, such sources are responsible for faster growth of a business company compared to informal sources of finance. Some of the vices identified are corruption. However, there was no evidence to prove that such a vice affected the allocation of credit to firms from the financing institutions. It also did not affect the performance of the business both in the market and in terms of profit making. This paper presents a counter argument on the positive relationship between finance and growth using China’s economy as a case study. Analysis of the Relationship between Finance and growth Econ omists concur on the fact that China has the fastest growing economy in the world. The Chinese economy has gained significance that no other economy can ignore its rate of growth. Pundits believe that the Chinese economy will surpass the size of the US economy by the time we get to the third decade of the current century (Yao & Yueh, 2009, p. 40). Professionally though, its per capita income level will remain very low compared to that of the United States. In some other quarters experts dismiss this predictions as misleading citing various facts. The strength of the China’s economy for instance, appears in its manufacturing sector that is so far challenging manufacturing sectors in advanced economies around the world. This is profound especially in economies that are labor intensive (Angelina, 2008, P. 76). China is also undertaking a top-down approach while entering the high technology industry. This means that the rate at which such an economy accelerates is high and will h it its peak very soon. The growth of technology receives maximum support form high-level research by a large of scientists as well as engineers finishing their undergraduate and postgraduate courses. China is an essential counterexample to findings in various fields among them institutions, law, growth of literature, and finance (Pagano, 1993, p. 619). This is despite the fact that it has very poor financial systems and legal structures. Its economy defies all these to become the fastest growing economy in the world (Patnaik, 2011, p. 33). A lot of information from scholarly articles in the field of law and finance demonstrates that the growth of formal financial institutions relates closely to a faster growth of business organizations in addition to enhancing better allocation of resources (Yu, 1998, p. 79). Literature from these articles also considers the value and input by informal financial systems in the development of economies from developing economies. Informal financing as defined in the scholarly literature entails small, shorter, and unsecured loans. These sources of finance are restricted to the rural areas, households, agricultural financing and contracts, small entrepreneurial engagements, and individuals. The loans target the lower cadre of the market within the developing economies (Hsieh & Klenow, 2009, p. 21). The same appears in the developed economies but takes a different approach. In the US for instance,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Global warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global warming - Research Paper Example What makes their excess in the atmosphere particularly dangerous is their function. They serve as a blanket for the sun rays after they reach the Earth, so that they can not radiate back to the space (Kayne). The tremendous energy stored in the sun rays thus adds to the heat of the environment, and the temperature of the Earth rises in general. The rising temperature has many repercussions. As the temperature is going up, glaciers are melting away, thus adding to the sea water. There has been a considerable rise in the sea level over the past few centuries. The excess water floods out of the sea and causes damage to life and property on Earth. Every year, several tsunamis happen in different parts of the world. Much of the natural disasters can be attributed to the global warming. Moreover, global warming is depriving the polar bears of their habitat. As glaciers melt away, polar bears find it difficult to